Monday 3 December 2012

Cantique de Noel

Minuit Chretiens
Verse 1
                  Minuit, chrétiens, c’est l’heure solennelle   

Où l’Homme-Dieu descendit jusqu’à nous,

Pour effacer la tache originelle,

Et de son Père arrêter le courroux.

Le monde entier tressaille d’espérance,

À cette nuit qui lui donne un Sauveur.

Refrain: Peuple, à genoux, attends ta deliverance

Noël! Noël! Voici le Rédempteur!

Noël! Noël! Voici le Rédempteu

Monday 19 November 2012

Grade 7 French

Students are learning to identify snack foods and express their preferences. They will listen to an interview with a nutritionist and classify snacks according to their nutritional value.  Also, they will look at the Canada Food Guide and examine different food groups.

Grade 6 French

 Students are learning to say their birthday in French as well as finding out birthdays of some Famous Canadians. Unfortunately, many of them did not recognized the following Canadians:

1) David Suzuki (no, he isn't the founder of Suzuki cars)

2) Susan Aglukark, a famous Aboriginal Canadian singer and songwriter

3) Celine Dion (Titanic anyone?)

4) Roberta Bondar- the first female Canadian astronaut

Thursday 15 November 2012

Grade 5 French

Grade 5 students are learning about the story 'Le Chandail/The Hockey Sweater by Roch Carrier and its importance to Canadian history. Check out the $5 bill! We watched the short 10 minutes video which is found on the National Film Board's website.

Monday 22 October 2012

C'est L'Halloween & La Toussaint

This week Grade 5, 6, 7 French students will be learning a Halloween song, vocabulary and a few French Canadian Saints. Students will be learning about the traditions around La Toussaint, All Saints Day, a public holiday in France.

Monday 8 October 2012

La Fete de l'Action de Grace - Happy Thanksgiving!

Ecoute bien! Listen up! All of the French students have been learning Thanksgiving vocabulary and are eager to share it with you this weekend during your Thanksgiving lunch/dinner.

le dindon - turkey                                           le petit pain - small bun
le canneberge - cranberries                            le mais - corn
le citrouille - pumpkin                                   le corne d'abondance - cornacopia
l'igname - sweet potato                                  le chapeau - hat

Also, each student made a Thanksgiving craft 'Je suis reconnaissant(e) de...' which means 'I am thankful for...' which is posted on their classroom bulletin board.

Je suis reconnaissant(e) de...  *ma famille = my family
                                                *mes amis = my friends
                                                *mon ecole = my school
                                                *mon diner = my dinner
                                                *ma vie = my life
                                                *ma sante = my health

Monday 24 September 2012

Grade 6 & 7: Comment y aller?

Bonjour tout le monde! This year you will be learning the play 'Comment y aller?' and right now, I have been teaching you all the vocabulary for this exciting play.

Remember to watch & do the actions, listen & repeat the words! Tout le monde fait les actions avec moi et parle en francais...pas d'anglais!

Madame Olaybal

Grade 5 - Les Trois Petits Cochons

Bonjour tout le monde! 
The Grade 5's are learning the vocabulary & actions for this fairytale and this week, I will introduce the beginning of the play.

Remember to watch & do the actions, listen & repeat the words! Tout le monde fait les actions avec moi! Tout le monde parle en français...pas d'anglais!

Madame Olaybal

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Ratatouille: It's Not Just a Disney Movie

As the year winds down, I am showing Ratatouille (Disney) in all French classes and it's not just about rat who knows how to cook. Since many students have seen this movie already, they are watching out for famous France architecture and French food.

Monday 30 April 2012

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Grade 7 Verb Project

Avoir ~ Etre ~ Aller Project

There are 2 parts to this project. In the first part, your group will create poster of the 3 verbs (Avoir, Aller, Etre) with the correct subject pronoun and verb agreement as well as the English translation. Bonus: One section on the subject pronouns and their English translation. 

In the second part, you will teach the class a mnemonic device for each of the verbs. A mnemonic device is a learning technique that helps memory. It could be an acronym, a list, a song or even a drawing. 

For example, to remember the colours of the rainbow, use the fictitious name "Roy G. Biv". Another one is HOMES to help people remember the names of all of the Great Lakes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior.)

You will be given time during French class to work in your group as well as the option to take the project home only on the weekend before it is due. Every group member will receive the same grade.
1)   Part 1: Total 30 marks
Each verb = 8 marks
Title, colour, neatness =6 marks

2)   Part 2: Total 10 marks
Mnemonic device = 5 marks
Teaching the class = 5 marks
Poster Due & Presentations  – Monday, April 30th

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Avoir, Etre, Aller Songs

Gr 6 & 7 Guest Speaker- Abou Bai Sheka

We welcomed Abou into our Gr 6 & 7 French classes so that he could share with us his background,  experiences of living and teaching French at a university in France.

Interesting things we learned:

-he is a grandfather of a Gr 3 CCS student
-his name 'Abou' means 'papa' in Arabic...his last name 'Bai' means 'chef/chief/king' and 'Sheka' means 'spirit'
-he is from Sierra Leone
-he speaks 5 languages: English, French, Temne, Creole, Pidgin
*French is a gender language and every noun either is masculine or feminine
*French is spoken in many African countries
*School days in France are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 1/2 day Saturday...Wednesday are off!

Merci beaucoup Abou!

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Subject Pronouns and Verbs

Grades 6 & 7's are starting to learn subject pronouns and verbs.

Why do we need pronouns?
Pronouns take the place of nouns when we are writing or talking about something. It would be very tiresome if we had to repeat the same noun over and over again.

What are verbs? 
Verbs refer to an action (to walk, to talk, to sing) or a state of being (to be, to like).

Pronouns in French are a little different than in English:

- in English, 'they' does not distinguish if the group is masculine or feminine. In French, 'they' is indicated by 'ils' (masc) or 'elles' (fem)

-in English, we do not have a polite form. In French, the 'vous' form is used with strangers, children speaking to adults and anyone that you would to show respect to.

Tu= You  *used when speaking with a friend, family member, colleague



J'ai                                          Nous avons
Tu as                                       Vous avez
Il a                                           Ils ont
Elle a                                       Elles ont

Voila la verbe AVOIR-to have!

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Carnival-CCS Open House-Catholic Schools Week

Carnival is just one week away and I would like to thank all parents, students and staff who have been helping with the preparations for this fun-filled event. 

Remember the evening begins at 5pm and ends at 8pm. Between 6-7pm at the Parish Center is the Charlotte Diamond concert (those who requested tickets have been given wristbands that will allow entry to the gym.)

It will certainly be an enjoyable evening for all!